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  • Just a few days late to wish you the happiest of next years. Here's hoping that you are well and happy, and that you look back happily on your years of making slavering fools of all of us. I discovered you late, and so have never had the privilege of seeing you live -- to my great disappointment. But I never miss an opportunity to promote you. And, referring to your come-on, "Let me help you blow a big load," you're the best. You always do!
    wow...ur the only girl i look at when i masturbate...(i'm 15 years old) and i was wondering if u ever happend to be in california let me know...plz...
    No kidding...she (Mindy) has the best ass I've seen in a long long time. Man...You can have the big fat "booties", this girl has an ASS! Perfection in my book! (oh, and please don't ever cut that beautiful hair short...between that and that ass....wow)
    Hey Mindy, has anyone ever said that you look a bit like Eva Longoria ? Well, you;re hotter anyway. That fantastic booty of your needs to be featured in the "greated ass of all time" thread.
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