BerlinHBK May 23, 2010 for the Celebrities rep! Why not ;), I accept your Friend Request! Thank you for that, my Bolivian Friend. :wave2:
for the Celebrities rep! Why not ;), I accept your Friend Request! Thank you for that, my Bolivian Friend. :wave2:
B B Bloodshot Scott May 15, 2010 Short for thriving: Thrivin'=thriving.
Short for thriving: Thrivin'=thriving.
Big Poppa Pump Apr 23, 2010 Have you seen this. lol
HeartBroker Apr 3, 2010 My pleasure! "'Tis better to give than to receive." Unless maybe in the case of oral sex... I'll have to think on that one!
My pleasure! "'Tis better to give than to receive." Unless maybe in the case of oral sex... I'll have to think on that one!