Leverage is written very well. I like the theme of the show. Jeri Ryan is a nice addition. The lady that played Sophie had a baby. I am sure she will be back full time on the show soon.
Chumley does make me laugh. I hope that he is not that dumb. The Old Man is awesome. I liked the episode where they made the bet on who would improve their sales.
True Blood is amazing. I feel bad that Bill had to turn Jessica. He didn't want to. Jason Stackhouse is supposed to be the man candy of the show. Personally I think Sheriff Eric is hotter.
I watch Pawn Stars, True Blood, and Leverage too. Pawn Stars cracks me up because of Chumley. I am not sure if he is really that dumb or they make him act a bit. I have loved True Blood from the first episode. The same with Dexter. Leverage is a really good show. I just watched one last night about the Faberge egg being stolen in Russia. Not sure if I like that Nate is drinking. I also wish Sophie would come back.
I didn't like her being imprinted with Paul either. I also didn't like Victor being a techie. It was weird. I think they ended the way they did just in case a cable channel picks them up. It could still happen. I hope.