I'm a reired guy in So Calif. My new hobby is collecting very specific (got lots) Met Art sets. Not caring for the European names since they are repeated by so many and aren't usually their real names anyway, I give each of the girls in my collection a new name after carefully deciding what really fits. After a while I feel like I almost know each one by that name. Anyway, there were a few sets that i just couldn't get and I am pretty good at knowing how to search them out online but no source has helped me more to get the sets i couldn't find than you have. You've provided me with more of "my hard to find" sets than any other one single source and I just wanted to thank you. There are still a few that I just feel like I'll never be able to get Like Inna B in "ORO" and a few others but I do appreciate what you've done and hope we can stay in touch some.