Elektra Knight

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  • Ohh thats cool ^^ Ive been doing Kyokushinkai Karate for 11 years
    and thanks have a great day!
    Would be great if you'd make me a sign ;D
    so you're into martial arts ^^ thats cool Ive been doing karate
    Yess!!!! very good! I've seen your video but I don't know who could you be..maybe someone from X-Men? Am I right?
    Thanks to you for your amazing photos!!! What about posting some more cosplaying ones?
    You are most welcom and thank you sweetness or as I have dubbed you "The Sweetness" for the friend request as well.
    have a great week my sexy friend ;)
    With your looks and natural glow modeling is just the perfect job :) I've been trying modeling myself a few times, but I'm to busy with writing music and studying to go for it 100%. What did you do before entering the modeling business?
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