Fresno Jul 31, 2008 hey friend, sorry to here that. It's not hot here yet but it will be in six hours!
senob44 Jul 31, 2008 What's up! Hope all is well. I accidentally removed you as a friend, so please re-accept me when you get a chance.
What's up! Hope all is well. I accidentally removed you as a friend, so please re-accept me when you get a chance.
Becks...poamr Jul 25, 2008 Lucky you. My vacation will involve moving and unpacking. Ugh. Oh, well. I've done it before.
Becks...poamr Jul 25, 2008 It's all good. My weekend will be chock full of work. Hope yours turns out better than mine!
Fresno Jul 25, 2008 glad I could do it for you friend. Not bad for self taught, imagin if I go back to school what I could do!
glad I could do it for you friend. Not bad for self taught, imagin if I go back to school what I could do!