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  • Nobody said anything negative about the "enjoy' thing again though unless I missed it.It was all about the bomb,should we ,shouldn't we have etc. It's actually ridiculous.We spent HUGE amount of money and effort in those years during the war to build A bombs. That was really about the germans who we knew were working on it as well and we didn't want them to get it first,be glad London would have been one of their targets for sure.But then it was just Japan and we had these new bombs.We were going to use them.Imagine your son or brother is one of the soldiers and the president didn't use his new super weapon on the enemy (who you despise already) so we had to invade and he got killed.Think Clinton was in trouble for BJ's.Truman would have been hung lol.
    Yep thats me lol.Even I a so-called liberal would choose nuke a couple hundred thousand japs over the estimated million american casualties as I said in the thread.Plus its kinda true we used them as guinea pigs for our new super weapon and while maybe heartless, wars (at least big bad ones like WW2) weren't about having a heart for the enemy.Germany,Japan would have done the same.Were all nasty vile heartless creatures us humans in those kind of cases.
    Greetings. Since I'm new here, I just thought I'd introduce myself. Name's Maurice & I hail from Lake City, Fl. Now---would or does anybody know if Yanine Diaz gets or receives fan mail? and if she does, how can I send her a letter or go about doing that? any info/help is appreciated. Thank You.
    70,000 sounds little low but about that number.Yeah Hiroshima was on Aug 6th,then 3 days later another was dropped on Nagasaki.
    We then told the Japs we would put a "rain of ruin" on them if they didn't surrender.Meaning we would drop more A bombs.Problem with that was we didn't have anymore put together.Sure we could have built more but that would have been months.The Japs though were sensible and gave up.
    YES bunch of kids I guess who think that stuff is interesting.It's summer ,schools out so its worse now.Did ya see the thread on "would you marry a pornstar" where I said I think this is insulting to OCSMs.The thread was basically calling all the girls in porn by some posters including OP dirty whores they would not even kiss.But then said to me "how is that insulting" lol.

    Did ya watch "Duck and cover" in the hiroshima thread?

    Most populated per square mile state in the US. Used to be a lot more open space when I was younger.I will try to find link to list of states by population later for ya.Texas which is HUGE doesn't have that many more people then little New Jersey.
    The Vitamin shop is by the light at route 1 and Ford ave but on other side of hwy from me.Amazes me btw that a store just for vitamins has survived there or anywhere for that matter.
    On my side by the light there is a "strip mall" with the fairly new gambling place they opened called "favorites" I think and a fairly well known in the area (been there LONG time) record shop called "Vintage Vinyl".
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