P P Perilypos Feb 26, 2009 Happy Birthday and and all the best to you, my friend! :hatsoff: :glugglug:
Vanilla Bear Feb 26, 2009 arty: Happy Birthday Smitty!! :lovecoupl Have a great day....with or without me... your birthday...your decision. :tongue:
arty: Happy Birthday Smitty!! :lovecoupl Have a great day....with or without me... your birthday...your decision. :tongue:
HeartBroker Feb 2, 2009 Sometimes you spank the monkey and sometimes the monkey spanks you! I read that somewhere today and don't remember where, oh well, I thought it was poetic! HB
Sometimes you spank the monkey and sometimes the monkey spanks you! I read that somewhere today and don't remember where, oh well, I thought it was poetic! HB
HeartBroker Oct 25, 2008 Hey, awesome avatar you have there I have a football game to get to but I'll definitely talk to you later my friend!
Hey, awesome avatar you have there I have a football game to get to but I'll definitely talk to you later my friend!
Torre82 Sep 17, 2008 :uts on my best south park accent:: SMITTEH! F:LKJS:KJE:FKJE SMITTEH! youtube.com/watch?v=IiZ4C3k0Z4U
:uts on my best south park accent:: SMITTEH! F:LKJS:KJE:FKJE SMITTEH! youtube.com/watch?v=IiZ4C3k0Z4U