Renegade1Oh Apr 3, 2015 Thank You For The Rep Deepcover!! Wishing You & Yours A Happy Easter!!:lovebunny:
bahodeme Mar 15, 2015 Good Luck with the job. Definitely go back to school. Even if you just take one class at a time, do that. Because when you stop it is difficult to get back to that mind set.
Good Luck with the job. Definitely go back to school. Even if you just take one class at a time, do that. Because when you stop it is difficult to get back to that mind set.
BCT Mar 11, 2015 I saw Badasssssss the other night and I really enjoyed it. I recall you raving about it on the movie thread.
I saw Badasssssss the other night and I really enjoyed it. I recall you raving about it on the movie thread.
bahodeme Mar 5, 2015 Well I finally seen an OSCM that is here regularly win. After DR hits his 100K posts, I'll probably be done here.
Well I finally seen an OSCM that is here regularly win. After DR hits his 100K posts, I'll probably be done here.