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  • Eye know what U mean Sin-dee I’ve been N Colorado since 2000 and eye’d always hated the Donkies eye would tell my RN’s they would make more excuses than Brian Griese!
    Hey baby girl,
    Both our teams are showing some signs of 'suckage' -- but they WILL turn things around. We will meet in the Super Bowl, sista! Hug and kisses for everybody, no matter who wins!! :) Hey, did you see the Donkies LOSE ... it was freakin' HILARIOUS. I LMAO ... and now Pussy Boy Peyton is actually complaining about how "unfair" the coin flip for overtime is ... he has never complained when his team wins the coin flip in OT. Whenever he loses a big game, the NFL either changes the rules in his favor or "re-emphasizes" them. Manning is such a nancy pants! :D
    Have a greet week, girlie! :wave:
    I’m so FUCKING Pissed with me 49ers 2 and 1! U guys beat the cupcake division Raiders Great OMG KC next shit 2 AFC West cupcake teams! LOL CU sweetie until next week me 9ers play the Eagles? "Christa"xoxo
    1st Cin aka Sin eye needed a HUG! Woosa we sucked me “SF 49ers” like Rock Hudson on Pride Day down Castro  I just punch RN Becky in her Punk-ass arm AFC WEST bi U “Cupcake Division” Fuck You and BIG Tooth Elway  have a great week darling xoxo Christa-Sista!
    Hey girlfriend Brady, Patriots bounce back by routing Vikings 30-7! These Donkies are starting to beat KC so eye rely on your PATS TO STOP THEM IN THE END! "Christa-sista" xoxo Fucking Peyton this morning on channel 9 News said EYE Quote the AFC West is the hardest division in the NFL U Fucking Dork it was an still is the easiest route to the SB 4 the Donkies as long as the football Gods help your PUNK-ASS TEAM!
    Hey there sweetie-pie me FUCKING 49ers are 0 and 2 and the Donkies (even though preseason) spanked our ass in our new billion dollar palace. Eye now U don’t win your division in AUGUST. But the nurse’s in ICU KNOW eye have me CWP so eye would joke to them any 9ers jokes U won’t have to far to go for HELP! LOL Glock “21” time LOL Bronco fans are the worst! “Christa” xoxo
    Hey girlfriend we play (Preseason) the FUCKING Donkies at our NEW Park Levi’s Stadium on August 17th! Starters stay healthy. But on week #7 we cum into Mile High & eye don’t wait to hear any Omaha Bullshit but Peyton running for his life like he stole something. So eye can wear all me 9ers pins and my 9ers Van’s into ER/ICU that 3rd shift :) Christa-Sista xoxo
    Hey girlfriend U know I despise the Donkies but today with the news on Pat Bowlen you would have thought on AM radio & local news channels that Grandma had died! Fuck the Donkies WTF “Christa-Sista” 3rd shift will be Donkie morning with me staff ER/ICU RN’s xoxo
    Eye know eye hope our two teams your New England Pats and me San Francisco 49ers do well sweetie :) "Christa sista" xoxo And FUCK the Donkies it’s hard to live in Denver during football season!
    Second I been in Parker Colorado 14+ years and a SF 49er fan since 15 I’m 38 now in 2 months 9ERS! BUT FUCK PEYTON MANNING AND THE WHOLE DENVER DONKIES SO FUCKING HAPPY THEY LOST 43 TO 8!
    Girlfriend, its Super Bowl Sunday & eye don’t give a FUCK about Peyton or the Adderall Sea-Thugs. It sucks it wasn’t New England vs. the 49ers oh well next year sweetie. But we’re watching over RN Becky’s a (Donkie Fan) home in Bradbury Ranch. At least it gives Aspen time to play with their baby  “Christa” xoxo
    Damn girlfriend "The Broncos are going to the Super Bowl after a 26-16 win over the Patriots! Fucking Hell Parker Adventist is going to bee wild this am 3rd Shift RN's taking their SHIT! I hope me Niners don't get embarrassed tonight bi Seattle :) "Christa" xoxo The Football Gods have spoken today for Peyton's Storybook season FUCK! "
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