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  • Yo Cali, what’s shaking bacon? We went to the Colorado Renaissance Festival this past weekend had a fucking blast. “Christa” xoxo
    Me brother any plans for the 4th? We're going across the street for a BBQ and a Blu-ray movie happy 4th sweetie :) your girl Christa xoxo
    Thanks sweetie it's now marked in me calendar :) xoxo Christa 3 hours until 3rd shift bi :)
    Dude your birthday son so eye can wish U a Happy B-Day! Oh shit us GINGERS R CrAzY
    Oh fuck, two weeks ago Aspen and eye flew back to Huntsville, Texas eye grew up there saw my kin and the BROTHERS  WPOD/Aryans 20 years later still VERY WHITE! Dude the Fucking HAIL in Parker thank God eye lease me Audi A8 L so from home in our garage then 2 3rd shift at Centura Health garage it’s been a WET spring thus far! “Shamrock” aka Christa xoxo
    Life in Parker Colorado, next weekend eye have 2 turn-on the sprinkler system then cut two trees in the backyard and mow the FUCKING lawn oh get ready to bring me garden back online me the Tomboy in our marriage “Aspen” VP Fancy is all “Poached Eggs & Blue Sapphires” the Yuppie Beeoch LOL Ciao Bella xoxo
    So you're a LESBIAN like us LOL we 2 like Pussy LOL Eye was asking just to 2 know cutie pie have a safe fall daring kisses xoxo "Christa"
    Hey eye never asked U, are U single or married eye know U like pussy! And did U meet any cute chikas? "Christa-sista" xoxo
    Did U visit "San Diego Comic-Con International 2014" or not your thing? "Christa-sista" xoxo
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