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  • C
    Hiya!!! :wave: Glad to hear from ya, my friend. Sorry about your Saints. My Patriots ... well, I still can't talk about it! :bawling: I should apologize for keeping such a low profile on FO lately -- I've lost touch with all my favorite folks around here :eek: Hope all is well with you and have a great weekend!!!!
    (BTW, thanks for the rep, too :D)
    Its cool, was wondering why your messages were whited out? lol
    Thanks for the rep mate. :hatsoff:

    Yeah it's like a "dry" type of beer as well. Maybe I like it so much because I usually drink a 'bitter' type of beer and it's a change from the usual. It's been so freakin hot here lately that I've been going through more than a few. :D

    Have a good one, Wottle.
    :D I agree with you about soccer. I just posted this 'gif'' in that thread we were talking about. I got a kick out of, hope you do too.

    By the by, I've been drinking this new beer (well new to me) called "Sol" like it's going out of fashion. My brother-inlaw put me onto it just before christmas. So I'll have one for ya'. Or maybe two .. :D

    Cheers mate.
    Hope you enjoy the games, I'm trying to after last week, our teams took it on the chin :(
    And thanks for the rep on Kimberly Gates. :thumbsup: I actually just found out about her today when I watched the dvd "Young Thighs in Knee Highs". I checked it out because Lexi Belle is in it, but Kimberly Gates was a nice surprise. I'd rep you for Jessie Rogers if I could. I discovered her a while back via an ID thread. As soon as I found out who she was, into my favorites she went.
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