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  • Why did you snip Shayne Ryder's photo from her thread? If porn stars absolutely HAVE to be OCSMs before they can post pics, then has Shane even been asked to be verified? I guess I just find it odd that a pornstar posted a pic of herself and it got snipped :shrug:
    Hi.I'm back in the saddle again,after a year of meditation.
    Congratulations to you for tha moderator role.
    Hope you stay well as your husband.
    Take care.
    I've already sent you a friend request. You can never have too many friends.
    But bro, you have to stop calling me a 'bro'. My daughter, Ava will kill me, if I change my sex, even if you discount my husband dd. :D
    Hi bro!
    I'm thankful for your well thought out post on Mumbai Terror thread.We have to win over not only terrorist,corrupt politicians, but also our sick habbits which makes us loose lots of our precious time(an opportunity loss)...
    would like to add you as my friend!
    Thank you Phil, It was one of most endearing good-morning message I received in my life. Thank you.
    dd have to wait a day for getting your hug. He is out (as usual). AVA is asking why the lady (in your Avatar) is not wearing anything and has two different body colors. :D. And BaZer's one has made her to ask me to remove my.. ahem..... :rofl:
    Best wishes.
    Hey, sweetheart...love your sincere posts in the Mumbai thread. I so get what you are saying...most people here aren't familiar with the reality of the world community; we are all in the same life, and like in Star Wars any disturbance in the (life)Force effects us all.
    Hug dd for me, and know I send loving thoughts to Ava.
    I have already sent you a message. It was a hurried decision on my part. But I think as Hardcore image posting is against the rule of the board a link will be a better option. I had no intention of hurting you. :bowdown:
    You deleted my post :-(
    Can I try it once with a pic without the sitename realitykings in it?
    I will write the sitename in the description, if its allowed...
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