Zoey Violet
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  • C
    So beautiful Zoey,

    Hiya Zoey!

    It's kinda funny, I wasn't sold on the skaky camera style either until I saw Blair Witch in theaters ... it's the only horror movie I've seen in theaters that made me jump out of my seat (or more accurately, huddle down, peeking over the seat in front of me)! :lurk: I had much the same reax to Paranormal Activity more recently (which I never saw on the big screen). It creeped me out and disturbed me so much that I slept with the lights on. :eek: :yesyes:

    Last night, I watched The Cottage and Boogeyman 3. Cottage was a little weird and I didn't like it much - it was done very tongue-in-cheek. So it was not my cup of tea. Boogeyman 3 had some nice scary moments. :popcorn: But I must confess I figured out the answer to the main character's dilemma a bit before she did, so I was calling it out loud to the TV.

    I just rented a movie called Gnaw from the Playstation Network. It sounds like it will be pretty gory, but I just hope the scare meter is high! :thumbsup:
    Zoey, you are a girl after my own heart! :clap: I LOVE scary horror movies ... good or bad! Since I work nights and get home in the early a.m. hours, I love putting on a scary movie -- I usually pick through Comcast's OnDemand free movies collection and watch something. I've never seen House of the Devil before, but if you recommend it I'll check it out!

    I recently saw The Nun, Rec2, Anneliese: The Exorcist Tapes, and Quaratine 2. Rec2 was really, really good (even though it was subtitled :D) an Anneliese scared the crap out of me! :)

    Do you like the 'shaky cam' style of horror film, like Blair Witch or Paranormal Activity?

    (I also posted this in the movie thread)
    Oh goody!!! :party: :sunny: I'm so glad to hear that, Zoey, because you have the lovely face and body of an angel -- are you sure that you haven't been Photoshopping out your fluffy white wings in those pix? ;) :D

    Hope you had a nice and fun holiday weekend? Take care, Zoey! :wave: :kiss:

    P.S. I offered a suggestion on your "Ideas" thread. :)
    Hello Zoey, *big hug* welcome to the board!! I just saw some of your work ... OMG you're soooo beautiful!!!!! Do you plan on doing more stuff soon? ;) Saw your post in the movie thread ... what did you think of Eyes Wide Shut? I enjoyed it, but it's so trippy. LOL
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