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  • pls don't forget to vote for me in the miss freeones contest that just started. pls go to and vote the maximum allowable times for me cause it makes me wet. thanks! xoxoxox, madison
    Welcome! I'm pissed right now cause I have just read the review of my site by someone who obviously didn't bother to actually watch a video or open any pics!! Completely ignored my Squirting (talents lol) and then said he doesn't think I'm ...."""Playboy beauty..." when I just was in Playboy this last month! Example:
    I want to have a mmf 3some with my wife. The guy would have to provide medical proof of a disease free lifestyle. She has an IUD, so pregnancy isn't an issue. Chemistry will determine the rest. If you are interested contact me here.
    Interests are seeing my wife taking another man inside her in everyway. She is excellent in bed and very eager to please. Are you interested in making love to my wife? What would you like to do with her? Contact me if interested.
    Yeah, if I'm understanding the rules right, it is five links per 24 hours:

    Perhaps I'm wrong? :dunno: you might want to ask a mod.

    Again, I'm just telling you this so you don't get in trouble with the mods. Feel free to ignore me completely. :)
    Hey man, I love your pics in the "close up titties" thread - they're awesome. But if you keep posting that many links in one thread, you'll get an infraction. You're only supposed to post 5 links in any one thread in a 24 hour period. Any more and the mods will get grumpy with you.

    Just trying to be helpful. :)
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