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  • I was thinking of making a softcore tits-and-ass site with a Beavis and Butthead mentality.

    You're spot on my thoughts for - grabbed that domain after brainstorming domain ideas with a friend. It's currently setup with a Multi-User WordPress blog platform and would take very little time to get going. I just don't have the time to do much more than set it up and make a post or so per week. Would be great to have a few additional authors that could help post content.

    Thanks for the offer - Let's brainstorm this a bit and see what we come up with.
    I really need to do something productive with that domain. I have a few clips the girls have made over the years making fun of the stupid things we men do to get our dicks wet. Plus all the stupid shit I've seen with my own eyes. If I could just find the time it would be a a lot of fun to do.

    Damn - that reminds me, I need to do something with too - where does all the time go?
    Thanks for the rep :orangecat:

    My editors just got done editing the video from our last male audition - the poor boy looks like a bloated retard trying to butt-fuck a goat with a soggy hot-dog. I wasn't even going to put it on the site but I figured WTF. Maybe I'll just put the full video out for free on for the entertainment of it all :D

    Anyway - thanks for the rep.
    What the hell are you doing on here? You should be doing something way more fun go now before you get stuck here like me lol
    Lmao nice use of Waynes world. I was thinking about watching that tonight but I'd rather say here in my room and let the girls have the rest of the house.

    I don't know about babe but attractive yes. You'll never convince me. Lurky has been arguing with me over that for a long time now.
    wait that would mean I am the dog. I'm not cool with that at all. I look way to good for that even if I don't think I'm that attractive.
    No I'm home bound with the girls tonight. Hubby might go out though. Something about being mommy I always end up being the one at home lol
    As this is a porn forum and well you should know I live in the gutter which lawn?

    She's a keeper. Though you really should at least if its your grass do that yourself I mean come one that is suppose to be a mans job after all. We look good fuck and cook :)
    it was long and boring. I just got that you sent the message last night. I wonder what held it up. Still monkies must have been playing with the board :)

    I hope you have a better night tonight as it is CANADA DAY!!!!:kiss:
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