L L longdongIreland Jan 24, 2011 hi bree my name is tom from Ireland and i am a huge fan of your just thought i would pop in and say hi, your absolutely stunning xoxox
hi bree my name is tom from Ireland and i am a huge fan of your just thought i would pop in and say hi, your absolutely stunning xoxox
B B bigzman34 Dec 30, 2010 In reference to The Orange Cat's last post, I hope that is not true. Indiana is indeed a fine state and should never be taken lightly. Am I right, Bree?
In reference to The Orange Cat's last post, I hope that is not true. Indiana is indeed a fine state and should never be taken lightly. Am I right, Bree?
TheOrangeCat Dec 30, 2010 People are calling Indiana a third world country in this thread. http://board.freeones.com/showthread.php?t=465005 Ok, one of them was me, but your location causes cattish bafflement. Which is never good....(your choice of dead rodent if you forgive me ...)
People are calling Indiana a third world country in this thread. http://board.freeones.com/showthread.php?t=465005 Ok, one of them was me, but your location causes cattish bafflement. Which is never good....(your choice of dead rodent if you forgive me ...)