I just resurrected your "Ask me (SpexyAshleigh) any question you want!" you want thread with a HUGE list of things we have in common overall niceness that I've been wanting to get off of my chest now as I am so tired (not of you but of some other people on both sides in general) about the whole (mostly fake if ya ask me, but people are welcomed to feel as they are of course) 'USA Vs. Canada' fake struggle, as I personally feel there is none and I honestly (this is from my heart now, so I know you won't tear it all up *winks*) love (most) of us on both sides as we have only minor differences. I can't promise you a reply there as I have a conditon I would have to tell you about via PM, but you can PM me anything you wish to say or simply leave me a comment and I'l try to get back to it as soon as possibe. I love Christmas like you the person of Faith that I am and I am going to be offline for the next few days but I did PM you and you can read that and PM me back : ) Love ya!