Okay finally found time to leave ya an overl ylong reply on the "Last good movies you've seen" thread. And thanks BIG TIME for that Cannon Films website! I'm honestly trying to get more of them on Blu-Ray as they'll eventually be released no doubt, probably through MGM as always (they own the bulk/majority of they're ack-film catalog in case you didn't already know), but yeah, that site I'll have to check out later on and save. A l ot of those earlier in the decade '80s wonderfully acted cheese-feasts looking back today are our modern older generation-Y and younger generation-X's seminal cult classic Ray Herrihousen type special effects flicks, if oyu know what I mean. I SO want stuff like Ninja III: The Demination to one day be out on Blu-Ray and DVD in a special edition. It just SCREAMS SO

Someone needs to see what Ludcinda Dickey is up to and where she lives for an interview!