Gameboy Mar 22, 2011 Actually... I miss read his post a tad... was passing out at the computer. Opps haha
L L lurkingdirk Mar 21, 2011 Thanks, sir! I don't know why, but the trolls in that thread just get to me.
hedonis Oct 27, 2010 So I bet you're busy as all get out, too! As exciting as the haunt stuff is, I can't wait for November- time to hibernate!
So I bet you're busy as all get out, too! As exciting as the haunt stuff is, I can't wait for November- time to hibernate!
Elektra Knight Oct 27, 2010 That is so cool. I have friends who are doing some haunted houses. I'm going to try and help each of them at their locations. I've been working doing shoots and conventions.
That is so cool. I have friends who are doing some haunted houses. I'm going to try and help each of them at their locations. I've been working doing shoots and conventions.
T T timon Oct 9, 2010 thanks for ur contribution in the belly dance thread mate and its mido from Egypt btw