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  • Hey there Pet, I know you're busy and so many people annoy you already, but can you please answer my last question about the Vicky Vette and Chica pass and also look at my post in the raffle thread? I think I received less tickets than purchased.

    Thank you. :kiss:
    Why does the towel in the Freeones points shop costs so much to ship? :dunno::crying::crying: It's nearly unobtainable! :crying::(
    I wanted to ask you again now that you can look at your list. Do you have another Vicky Vette or Chica pass to give away?
    How about just make a special raffle for this pass only? So only people who really want it will join. And you can tell the people not to post in the shemale raffle thread if they not want to join. :dunno: Please? I want to spend my points on that. :)
    Couldn't you put it up in the raffle? Or at least do something with points? :shy: I'd spend pretty much all my points for it.

    Or just give it to me directly? :D
    Hey Pet, hope you are well. :)

    I have a queshun...

    Where, when and how can I win the Bare Backed Shemales pass? Did I miss it already?!

    Oh and in case you are wondering, it's an honest queshun. I'm not kidding.

    Sorry for my "Quiz" thread stupidity... :dunno: I totally missed that part of the rules and feel like a total idiot!! :1orglaugh:facepalm::facepalm::facepalm:
    Ooh good point with the copyright issues. That could be a can of worms NOT worth opening... Thanks for the insight behind it! :D:hatsoff: Is there a way that I can verify that my pictures are actually me? I only ask because I've been thinking this whole time that my friends were looking at my pictures, but it turns out they can't even see them! :crying:
    Well shoot, Miss Petra! So I'm the only one that can see my pictures? What's the point of even having the option, then? I know what I look like! :D:dunno: So there's no way my friends can see my pictures (that's why I put them up!)? :dunno:

    Sidebar-Regardless, thank you for the answer! :):bowdown::hatsoff:
    Hi Miss Petra! I just had a quick question: If I put pics of me up on my profile page for my friends to see, why can't they see them? :dunno:

    *I DO have my privacy setting set to show albums for "everybody"...
    can i have a free ipad i realy want one im moveing soon so can i have a moveing in gift cuzz i cant aford a ipad ples
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    Please delete all of my account information. Thank you
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