DVC,take some time and think.WE will miss you and you will miss Freeones.I think I know from a source what the problem is but don't assume the worst till it happens and even then if that somehow is a problem you will have lots of supporters here who will speak out about it if anything untoward should happen to you here.
Barack is young enough to have his "badabings" after he leaves his second term! I will say I didn't think much of the McCain/Lobbyist canoodling rumors that hit the news a couple of months ago. I just shrugged my shoulders and had a nice laugh at that one...this one stings!!!!
The cancer...the distraught over losing their son...this family unit has been through a lot of shit and I just really bought into this guy's story. I really believed in him! All I can say is "I really thought THIS guy was different." I will never be scammed by these shitbirds again!
Friday, my friend. Stay away from the tv and the internet. Our pal, John Edwards, has disgraced himself in an incomprehensible way....I am literally shocked. My fingers are quivering as I type this! Edwards you are a douchbag!!!!!!!!!!