All About FreeOnes Credits

Learn about FreeOnes Credits. How you earn them, how you spend them and more!

What are FreeOnes credits? How do you earn them? What can you spend them on? Fear not, all of this will be explained in this section!

What are FreeOnes credits?

FreeOnes credits are a 'currency' of sorts within the website. You can earn credits by being interactive on the site, or later on this year you'll be able to buy them with real money if you can't wait!

How can I earn credits?

You can earn credits for doing the following things on the site, while you're logged into your FreeOnes account:

Report link (5) - FreeOnes has over a million links on the site. While we do have tools to help clean up links that are no longer working right, sometimes we miss them. That's where YOU come in! If you click on a link that you think has a virus or malware, redirects to an entirely different site, is parked or just plain dead, REPORT IT! If we delete it off the site then you just earned yourself 5 credits!

Report photo set (5) - If you come across a photo set from the photo gallery section, or a babe's photo section, that isn't working correctly you can report it. Like with the report links, if we remove the gallery from the site you'll earn 5 credits. Please don't use the report function to let us know we attached the wrong girl or have the wrong category! You can actually do that via the suggestions feature and earn credits for that too!

Photo suggestions (1) - Have you come across a photo set where you know who's in it but we didn't add her name to the cast list? Now is your time to shine and let us know YOU know who she is! When you're logged in to your account, you can click on the little pencil icon to suggest cast (or tell us the right girl if we got it wrong), categories and tags. Each time we use your suggestion you'll earn 1 credit!

Video suggestions (1) - This is just like the photo set suggestions! Earn 1 credit per cast, category and/or tag you suggest!

Note: cast, categories and tags are counted as 3 separate areas. That means you can potentially earn 3 credits per photo gallery or video you give suggestions to. If you suggest changes to all 3 and only see 1 credit come by, chances are the others are pending still in our system!

Daily activity (1) - If you do something on the site like follow a babe or channel, add something to your collections like a photo gallery or link, save a search, etc you will earn 1 credit per 24 hour period for being active! In the near future we plan on adding other things like liking something, giving a star rating or commenting. The 24 period goes from midnight to 23:59 UTC.

Where can I find my credits?

On the credit tab of your user profile of course! If you don't see any credits yet, then that means you haven't performed an action that will generate them. Do something from the list above and as soon as our admin crew deletes a link or approves a suggestion, it'll pop right in!

What can I spend my credits on?

At this exact moment, nothing. However, in the near future you'll be able to buy a single video or photo download with your credits. We'll be adding back the premium photo galleries which you'll be able to use your credits to buy. We'll have premium videos. A premium FreeOnes membership and more! Keep an eye in FreeOnes Talk for up to date news about credits!

FreeOnes Credit FAQs

There's always questions not covered by the above information, so as they come up we'll add them here!

Q. What about my old credits from myFreeOnes on the old site?

A. We've been promising that you haven't lost them and in true FreeOnes fashion, we're keeping to our word. If everything goes right, you'll see them re-appear in your account in May 2022.

Q. What about purchased galleries from the old site?

A. Sorry, those won't be re-appearing in May 2022 but hopefully they'll be there by the end of summer. Before we can bring them back we need to create the infrastructure for purchased content in the system. That will, unfortunatly, take a little bit of time. However, we know exactly where the content is stored and have the old database with everyone's purchases intact.

Q. What is the queued column on my credits tab?

A. Reporting something or suggesting something is only half of the action needed to generate a credit. The other half is in the FreeOnes admin, a worker needs to perform actions. The action taken will decide if that queued credit goes to the approved column or the reject column. Please give us up to 3 days to work through the queued credits!

Q. Why doesn't logging in count as a daily activity?

A. This is what we were going to do initially but it became complicated. People can stay logged in almost indefiantly these days so we didn't want to force logouts just to give a credit. So that's where we came up with the daily activity. And lets be real, if you're using the site you should be just fine!

Q. What about earning credits from actions on the forum?

A. Connecting the FreeOnes site and the forum is no easy task. Unfortunately the developer that has the most experience in these connections lives in Russia right now. He's planning a move but until he gets out, this is on ice.

Q. Will there be a difference between free credits and paid credits?

A. Yes. Later this year we will have premium offerings for those who are willing to support FreeOnes by purchasing credit packages. Things you can expect to see is using premium credits to buy VODs from our upcoming VOD section, cam shows, paysite passes and more!

  • Published
    Feb 24, 2022
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