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  • she doesn't have to go all hardcore spread pussy & gaping asshole,she can be very modest & "professional" with the photos. I dunno maybe it's just me.
    again thanks for the info about her site, I am done with ever replying to her thread. I'll keep checking to obviously NOT ever see nudity. do you have any of those nudes of hers? I will never say a word to a soul if you have anything. I will keep it complete 110% secret.
    thanks for your awesome post.
    hey man, I appreciate your input on this patty thread. it's safe to say I won't ever have to sign up for a membership based on your info. I don't mean to be a dick in her thread. I just want to see her tits, wide open out & free,not with a sheer cloth,bubbles,goo,pasties or extremely well placed or taken photos where her bikini straps perfectly cover up her nipples. a clear beaver shot would hit the spot also but I'm 100,000% sure it will never EVER happen. it's been 12 years since she started how long can people keep shoveling her money with ZERO payoff. that's my only problem.it's her site, her body I have no say in what she does but I'm not sure she realizes how many people think she's gorgeous & want to see her nude, not as a piece of meat but as a beautiful woman showing off her sexy body.
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