Recent content by Gordar

  1. Gordar

    Nikki Portanova / Nikki Kane

    According to Michael Ninn she passed away. I don't know any details. May she rest in peace.
  2. Gordar

    Actually, I agree with miss Deep (& I created the poll). The person she's arguing with is the...

    Actually, I agree with miss Deep (& I created the poll). The person she's arguing with is the person I also disagree with. The point of the poll was to prove to this person that even though there are people who agree with him (we were discussing this in another poll-less thread), that those...
  3. Gordar

    Should adult performers be allowed to have children?

    Since people actually think I believe that adult performers need permission or are bad or whatever (I suggest they read post 2) & since I've got enough results to get my point across, I've asked georges to lock this thread.
  4. Gordar

    Should adult performers be allowed to have children?

    I agree, the question itself is quite ridiculous/moronic. Still, it's an answer to this thread, which really gets interesting from post 23 onwards.
  5. Gordar

    Should adult performers be allowed to have children?

    Forgot to add, I know it's not our job or even our right to decide whether you (the girls working in the adult industry) are allowed to become pregnant or not & that the dicision is yours alone to make. But I hope I'll prove a point with this poll. (& if a mod can merge this post with the...
  6. Gordar

    pornstar has a kid
  7. Gordar

    Should adult performers be allowed to have children?

    I don't think I need to explain it any further. Please keep in mind that this is a public poll. @ miss Aaliyah Love, yes I know, a third thread, but the last poll doesn't nearly come close to what the original thread was all about.
  8. Gordar

    pornstar has a kid

    I didn't post your real name, your phone number, your address, your IP address, that you have warts on your dick (ok, I made that one up) or anything else & you didn't mention anything about yourself in the PM, so I didn't invade your privacy. Also, like I've already proven, private messages on...
  9. Gordar

    pornstar has a kid

    This is going to be my last post in this thread. I think.... Actually, we CAN and SHOULD discuss the reason you believe whatever you believe concerning pornstars, but you're unwilling to do so. Law: Nothing private about private messages on a public message board, unless I illegally accessed...
  10. Gordar

    pornstar has a kid

    Actually, it is, as part of your opinion seems to be based on religion. But since it's useless talking to a person with rather strong views in favor of religion, as these people generally refer to a 1500 year old book instead of making up their own minds about things by looking at what's...
  11. Gordar

    Ever been banned here at FreeOnes? If so, what for?

    Sure I do, I just don't have enough power.
  12. Gordar

    pornstar has a kid

    I'd rather have an honest mom who happened to be a pornstar than a lying mother or father, yes! Actually, just like you're saying you can't stay calm, I can say I can! maybe it's because I don't hold outdated and no longer relevant ideas of what's right & wrong so dear as you seem to do. but...
  13. Gordar

    pornstar has a kid

    The first few threads are just about performers who are moms. Most of their children haven't reached their teenage years yet, BUT, I'll quote the same quote you quoted. He doesn't enjoy it, sure, but he doesn't sound scarred for life either. Since he knows it, he can avoid it! Why is someone...
  14. Gordar

    pornstar has a kid

    Thank you, but you kind of missed my point. A child can only be scarred if he watches porn with his parent(s) in it and recognises them. First of all, it's very unlikely the child in question will be able to find porn of his parents online, as it is old by then and even IF there's still stuff...
  15. Gordar

    Is Ukraine the nicest country in Europe?

    It depends on your preferences. I suggest you visit the country & make up your own mind.