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  • The industry does validate testing records - we all get tested every 30 day (minimum) and use a testing company that lets us check on the results of the people we're working with.

    No one works without being tested first.
    The problem isn't the industry - it's the average sexually active idiot in the general public. In the town I live in, high-school students are 30 times more likely to have an std that industry performers because;
    1. they never get tested.
    2. they think they have to have intercourse to get an STD.
    3. they think it could never happen to them.
    4. they won't tell the people that have been with that they may have been infected.

    It's totally false rumors like "if you never fuck a man, you can't catch an STD" that promote a large part of this stupidity.

    :2 cents:
    Sorry - it's just that being in the industry I hard so many untrue statements about STI's - it's sad that so few people actually understand the real risks and issues associated with being a sexually active human.

    Thanks for the rep :glugglug:
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