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  • WANTED; LadyFun...!Ready 4 that loving feeling... Been mourning too long. Seeking a real no games, no hassle, no b.s. relationship- mature and open-minded enough to accept each other as adults- not adolescents. Handsome some say, but it's just a word to me. Did I say witty? humble? Real Ladies deserve the very best in my book... period. In search of a PureBeautyWoman... beautiful, sexxy, hot, loving, eager to please and be pleased AND, ... equal in bed... AND everywhere...! Surprise! Without equal respect between a man & woman it's just boring. Respect is challenging- requires life-energy, attention and a living, growing "beingness" honest to one another. A true DreamLady would be enthusiastic ...lovely, strong, absolutely fun, sexxy, feminine &... . very hot at the right times... many X's.. .
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