
Head Of Ministry Of Tarts And Tart Team Commander
Official Checked Star Member
But so much fun when you start licking the tart tart from the tart.

I love licking a tarty tart from a tarty tart. So basically you could say....A tarty tart, licks a tarty tart from a tarty tart.

Or perhaps it could be a cream cake?


Head Of Ministry Of Tarts And Tart Team Commander
Official Checked Star Member
What kind(s) of music are you into?

Whats that song, lyrics, smile once in a while, lullaby I think it is. And I watched Alfie last night so "old Habits die Hard".... Dave Stewart and Micky xxx

Another favourite. "I never went to church"

I like everything, call me shallow but I do. Oh no, Miss Hybrid Stuck in the mundane...Emeceee help xxx

Kisses and I will get my coat.


Head Of Ministry Of Tarts And Tart Team Commander
Official Checked Star Member
Miss Hybrid,
How long does it take for an average photoshoot?

And whats with equestrian girls? Do you think the horse riding get up is hot?

Average shoot, not very long,,, I know , I know, it looks like it. Its more just a bit of a laugh and getting Chablied on occasions. Its anything from 10 minutes to an hour but chosing outfits ,,,,,,days xxx

I love equestrian girls. Absolutley adore the clothes, hate smelly horses. Much rather have a stable full of two legged fillies and stallions xxx


Head Of Ministry Of Tarts And Tart Team Commander
Official Checked Star Member
Just a quick one. Have you been naked in a public place such as beaches, swimming pool, parks or others?

OH flipping heck.....Yes xxxx I could not go to a beach and stay dressed. I love getting my clothes off x


Head Of Ministry Of Tarts And Tart Team Commander
Official Checked Star Member
I don't know if she does but I do!!:wave2:

Every get up I've see her in get's me up...err..is hot. I mean, did you see what she does for FOs gear?

Ba BUM xxxx


Head Of Ministry Of Tarts And Tart Team Commander
Official Checked Star Member
Jimi Hendrix sang 'If 6 turned up to be 9, I don't mind'. Which got me thinking, when you have a 69 do you prefer to be on the bottom or the top?

Top always


OH flipping heck.....Yes xxxx I could not go to a beach and stay dressed. I love getting my clothes off x

Thank you for the answer. To be honest I would love to see your beautiful butt moving so sexy when you walking on the beach with your cloth off.


Head Of Ministry Of Tarts And Tart Team Commander
Official Checked Star Member
Is it wrong to eat butter by itself, as a snack?

Butter should only be used by itself as lube, hey but you knew that and are just playing with me now xxxx
Whats that song, lyrics, smile once in a while, lullaby I think it is. And I watched Alfie last night so "old Habits die Hard".... Dave Stewart and Micky xxx

Another favourite. "I never went to church"

I like everything, call me shallow but I do. Oh no, Miss Hybrid Stuck in the mundane...Emeceee help xxx

Kisses and I will get my coat.

totally not shallow, it's eclectic ;). same way for me there's no way to choose just one favorite genre, artist, or song
Is the great northern expression, 'one up the bum, no harm done', a true statement. Or, a deceptive ploy to encourage unsuspecting girls to try anal sex?