Is a man gay/bi if they are aroused by she-males?

No. why would it? gay means that you are attracted to men, not to dicks. A woman with a dick still posses characteristics of a woman, so unless you were only attracted to the male parts, then you wouldn't be gay.

You are most likely to be bi-leaning, but all that really matters is how the individual feels about it. As I said, most gay guys have no interest in female parts so they are not very interested in transexuals. Most of the guys that do either consider themselves to be straight or bi.

People like what they like, and they aren't always so easily classified into a narrow parameter.


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
I wonder about this sometimes.

I don't really get it,but if that's what you like,then good for you I guess,but wouldn't a man's sexual preference be in question if they were into chicks with dicks?

Now let me be clear before anyone starts to get on my case.I'm not criticizing or hating on people for liking that type of stuff,I'm just wondering.I would think that a man is at least bi if he were into lady-boys.Is the thought that you can get the best of both worlds with she-males?:dunno:

It's all a bit confusing to me.

I don't really buy into the whole bi-sexual thing, so I won't go into it, but I think the answer is fairly simple here...

No, a man isn't gay or bi-sexual if he is aroused by she-males. Why? Because, men get aroused by EVERYTHING.
I don't really buy into the whole bi-sexual thing, so I won't go into it, but I think the answer is fairly simple here...

No, a man isn't gay or bi-sexual if he is aroused by she-males. Why? Because, men get aroused by EVERYTHING.

Does that mean you've been aroused by a lady boy?

You trying to tell us something Chef?


The One and Only Big Daddy
I don't really buy into the whole bi-sexual thing, so I won't go into it, but I think the answer is fairly simple here...

No, a man isn't gay or bi-sexual if he is aroused by she-males. Why? Because, men get aroused by EVERYTHING.

Damn good point Chef makes a hell of a lot of sense if you think about it:1orglaugh
I asked my riend tesbowner abotu this and he said no. It's something entirely different but no one has bothered to come up with a name for it yet :dunno:

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
No. why would it? gay means that you are attracted to men, not to dicks. A woman with a dick still posses characteristics of a woman, so unless you were only attracted to the male parts, then you wouldn't be gay.

You are most likely to be bi-leaning, but all that really matters is how the individual feels about it. As I said, most gay guys have no interest in female parts so they are not very interested in transexuals. Most of the guys that do either consider themselves to be straight or bi.

People like what they like, and they aren't always so easily classified into a narrow parameter.

A woman with a dick? What the hell?! :helpme:

I understand the whole argument about transgenders and what not. But let's be honest, a woman with a dick... is a man! :D All of these modern day, make believe, PC names like "lady boy" and "shemales" notwithstanding, the fact remains that other than (actual) hermaphrodites or people with chromosomal aberrations, these are men... not women.

And if that's what a person is into, then that's their business. I'm not downing them for their beliefs or desires. But let's just go ahead and call a spade a spade here. If the being has XY chromosomes, you can sew boobs to his head, but he's still a male. A damn funny looking male, but a male nonetheless.
A woman with a dick? What the hell?! :helpme:

I understand the whole argument about transgenders and what not. But let's be honest, a woman with a dick... is a man! :D All of these modern day, make believe, PC names like "lady boy" and "shemales" notwithstanding, the fact remains that other than (actual) hermaphrodites or people with chromosomal aberrations, these are men... not women.

That's pretty much how I feel about it.
Here's something for you guys to ponder. Say if said shemale goes all the way and has surgery and turns the penis into a vagina. Now it is no longer a "chick with a dick". What now? :spin:
Here's something for you guys to ponder. Say if said shemale goes all the way and has surgery and turns the penis into a vagina. Now it is no longer a "chick with a dick". What now? :spin:

I'm still gonna back away because he/she will still be taking post-op meds to help make him something that he really isn't/wasn't supposed to be.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Here's something for you guys to ponder. Say if said shemale goes all the way and has surgery and turns the penis into a vagina. Now it is no longer a "chick with a dick". What now? :spin:

XY chromosomes = male
XX chromosomes = female

A tiny portion of the human population falls outside of that.

If you're really one thing and you want to pass for something else, hey... that's between you and the person you see in the mirror everyday. You can be a she-male, or call yourself a "dual-phase Earthling"... whatever floats your boat.

If you're honest with your partner and you're both OK with it, more power to the both of you. But if that remains your lil secret, remember that story of the Russian guy who wigged the fuck out, when he found out that the girl of his dreams was really the girl, who used to be a guy, of his dreams. I can't say that I agree with his actions... but I will say that I understand him being at least a tad bit "upset", shall we say.
Here we go again....a bunch of biofacist fools who think that because they were taught in kindergarden xx=female and xy=male that this is all there it is to it. It is actually possible to be XY and be born with a fully functioning vagina and a hyperfemenine appeareance, due to insensitivity to male hormones (Research CAIS Women, who's condition is more common than transsexualism). Yes this are some exceptions to the "normal," but so is transsexualism.

Recent research shows that transsexuals tend to have androgen receptors that are not as sensitive to testosterone So even though the person has XY karyotype, this individual does not think, process information etc. the same way the average male would. Furthermore, once the bodily hormone ratios are ajusted to that of preferred sex, the body goes through a feminization or masculinization that is scientifically undeniable. Because after all, the only reason men and women look so different is because of sex steroids.

GAY MEN ARE NOT ATTRACTED TO TRANNIES....How I know this? I have very good friends who are gay...they like phenotypical (physical) males. I go to gay parties, clubs etc. I have actually been attracted to hot gay guys, but they are not sexually attracted to something that reminds them of a female. So how come all of a sudden I am so unpopular with gay men, but whenever I go out to the "regular" world I have men drooling left and right, and some lesbians as well????

I have been blessed with being a so called "passable" transsexual (meaning, people don't know unless I tell them). Of all the men I meet, more than half don't care of my history (UNLESS I TELL SOMEONE ELSE AND SOMEHOW "DAMAGE" THEIR "REPUTATION" :mad:). Does that mean that more than half of men out there are gay??? Perhaps....

Anyway, I see no point in this lameness of labeling other people's sexuality. It's so nice to be free from boxes, or closets, lol...for instance, I am mostly attracted to men, but have been attracted to very few women as well, and whenever this happens I don't go crazy questioning my sexuality because I accept there's nothing wrong with that!!

Being transsexual is just another medical condition!!
That the porn industry has found a way to capitalize on this medical problem is only playing to the insecurities and narrowmindedness of some fools who condemn us as outcasts, "forbidden," "sex freaks." etc, and this creates temptation in some people, and add to this that many trannies end-up looking fucking amazing... If people were aware of the medical facts and how much suffering people with gender dysphoria go through, in a hypocritical society that rejects them for bending gender rules, I don't think this genre would be as popular as it is.
A woman with a dick? What the hell?! :helpme:

I understand the whole argument about transgenders and what not. But let's be honest, a woman with a dick... is a man! :D All of these modern day, make believe, PC names like "lady boy" and "shemales" notwithstanding, the fact remains that other than (actual) hermaphrodites or people with chromosomal aberrations, these are men... not women.

And if that's what a person is into, then that's their business. I'm not downing them for their beliefs or desires. But let's just go ahead and call a spade a spade here. If the being has XY chromosomes, you can sew boobs to his head, but he's still a male. A damn funny looking male, but a male nonetheless.

well yes, of course. I don't think that anyone is really trying to confuse that distinction. XY chromosomes are what makes a male. Sexual organs are not necessarily representative of sex (chromosomes). A penis does not make a male. You can have a male with or without a penis, and vice versa for a female. I talked about this in another thread where I discussed the difference between transsexuals and intersexuals aka. "hermaphrodites".

But what we are dealing with here is a larger category called gender which is made up of three parts.

The third part are the sex roles which is psychological/sociological. People define themselves according to their mental perspectives, and this is almost always a stronger force than the external world provides. Take people that believe in God- their entire universal viewpoint is based on their own conception. Before we are too quick to label these people as delusional, we have to keep in mind that we aren't very much different. For all humans the majority of their beliefs are based on imaginary concepts that are not reinforced by the external world- such as the economy, to name another crazy idea.

For transexual people the concept that they are of the opposite sex is a greater definer for them than their biological makeup.

So what it really boils down to is should we have relationships with people based only on our own perspectives and experiences, or should we take theirs into consideration as well? I think that it's obvious that it must be the later. That doesn't mean that we have to agree with other people's beliefs, but we have to understand that they are just as meaningful to them as our own to us.


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
Here we go again....a bunch of biofacist fools who think that because they were taught in kindergarden xx=female and xy=male that this is all there it is to it.

You act as if everyone here is a simple minded peabrain that does nothing but make unintelligent assumptions by doing nothing more than using the knowledge that they get from their surroundings (how they're raised, who they know, etc), avoiding all scientific and biological fact, but then you go and make comments like this...

GAY MEN ARE NOT ATTRACTED TO TRANNIES....How I know this? I have very good friends who are gay...they like phenotypical (physical) males.

I guess just because you have good friends who are gay, that means you are the expert when it comes to the reality of the human sexuality.


Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
So a guy blowing a she-male or getting butt fucked by one wouldn't be gay to some of the people here? Because that sounds pretty gay to me.

Why didn't the OP start a poll with this thread to get some tangible numbers from public opinion?