Best Puerto Rican Porn Star?

Carmen Luvana

Verified Babe
Official Checked Star Member
Here is another pic.


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Carmen Luvana

Verified Babe
Official Checked Star Member
This one is not so clear, but here it goes is daisy with terri.


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Yay just thinking of that scene makes me go crazyyyyyyyy how it could be and wha uall would do.... :D oh yay I forgot to ask you Carmen has anyone every told you what el poder boricua is?

Carmen Luvana

Verified Babe
Official Checked Star Member
Papi el poder boricua es cuando 2 boricuas juntos estan chingando bien cabron, los favoritos mios son los boricuas y los cubanos.
Pero el poder boricua es 100% lo mejor.

Carmen Luvana

Verified Babe
Official Checked Star Member
Looks great! "The signature pic"
Daisy (Reletionship) No, she only dates, nothing serious, she dosent want a serious relatioship right now.
I know im bugging a lot but I just wanted your opinion on wich movie I should get of yours I was thinking My Plaything.... but I rather you tell me wich one you enjoyed more making so I can buy...

Cool thanks Carmen im going to buy that one and also the My Plaything one too :) ! Sige Arrasando Linda Boricua !
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Hey Carmen adonde estas? I miss ya... hey I was thinking if we could make a movie together called Fucking Ricans ehhhh j.k well hope your doing good
carmen eso te quedo bien sexy, tu me pones bien bellaco cuando te veo en peliculas carajo puneta que rubia mas brava y buena tu estas cono!
what about the following pornstars?

simone? Foxy Lady? Faith La'amour? Shyla Fox? Nautica Binx? Mariah? are they boricuas too or what? even if some of them are mix with black thats what ricans are all about mixing it and hittin it in all flavas and colors yumm! by the way carmen que buena estas mami!


Closed Account
Well according to Gina Lynn's bio she was born in Mayaguez, Puerto Rico but raised in Jersey-guess that explains her not speaking Spanish.

So far for my vote for best Puerto Rican star goes to Carmen Luvana..and not just b/c she posts here (though it doesn't hurt). I've recently seen some of her films and they are quite enjoyable to say the least.
Glad to see people posting on the P.R thread.... Puerto Rico has many beautiful women that its' a shame that there isnt more P.R pornstars because the ones that r ARE BEAUTIFUL such as Carmen Luvana

Carmen Luvana

Verified Babe
Official Checked Star Member
Thank you guys let me see if the next time i go to Puerto rico i drag a few and bring them to L.A with me to do porn. LOL
Who knows lets see.;)
wow you should make a video call it the p.r road trip or something not only show beautiful boricua women but also show the beautiful isla off.... owweeeeee Carmen having sex on the beautiful beaches of Puerto Rico that would be great

Carmen Luvana

Verified Babe
Official Checked Star Member
I shot this all in P.R but i couldent get away with much.

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