Does Anyone Else Enjoy Innocent But Clumsy Awkwardness When Dealing With People From Different Cultures?

I'm a White American guy married to an Asian lady and my neighborhood is becoming more Persian by the day. I have many interesting conversations full of many WTF moments with all kinds of people around me. I use whacky regional expressions that confuse them also. We all get to know each other the more we talk to each other. Neighbors from different origins become friends. All people are fine as long as they don't decide to bring trouble.
My learned brother used to say that what really has to happen to get people to get along is for them to figure a way to make money from one another. After that it's easy.

Or take a nice Iranian fella and help him buy a firearm from a pack of redneck gun clerks.


"Hey buddy, I like gun but laser is so cool. Do they do gold plating here?"
Hey Bubb, I have family that basically hides living in Palos Verdes Estates. I live in the heart of Los Angeles which makes me Tuco from The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly to those tight-asses. Guess who got COVID and also burglarized? It wasn't Frito Bandito with the bandolier of shotgun shells hanging across his chest.
The wealthy seem to think their money will protect them from everything. Glad you and yours are OK. I was burglarized once about 15 years ago. Found out it was probably a former cow2orker of mine who was caught trying to rob his former and my then employer. Told the local cops. Thuy did not give one single solitary shit about it. No body got hurt and no guns were taken. Case closed. You got insurance.
Hope you and your family are doing good too, bubb.

My mother-in-law is a great lady. I talk in life like I post here. Way too much. Anyway, neither of us are bilingual but we do love each other. Any effort to communicate has been worth it. I haven't learned much Tagalog but I'm way better at Charades now.


Nattering Nabob of Negativism
Or take a nice Iranian fella and help him buy a firearm from a pack of redneck gun clerks.


"Hey buddy, I like gun but laser is so cool. Do they do gold plating here?"
Does he want one of those Jewish Space Lasers?


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman

Does Anyone Else Enjoy Innocent But Clumsy Awkwardness When Dealing With People From Different Cultures?

My wife tends to feign an accent and talk in broken English when she meets someone that obviously struggles with English as a second language. I've tried to explain to her that it's kinda racist and wrong to do that, but she thinks it endears her to her new friend. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
People can be so racist at times. I'm walking with my family, they get through, but some security guy asks who I'm with. I pointed at my family and said I was their priest. He didn't notice the shirt I was wearing and let me through.